Been awhile! So much going on, some very good and some 'eye of the storm'. But GOD is faithful and we're still standing, more refined, more humble, wiser and closer to Him than before, so we win!
The team are in a time of transition, all seeking first His kingdom and righteousness, open to God for the way forward, cheering each other on to fulfil our destinies and God's plan.
We have been so encouraged by the way some of the folk who meet with us are soaring on eagle's wings, going from strength to strength and glory to glory in His purposes; we'll have testimonies on the blog soon. The website will also be getting a belated update!
Our times of pursuing His presence together at Sandford are flowing beautifully as the Holy Spirit orchestrates body ministry through each person.
1 Corinthians 14:26 'Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.' - they are and we celebrate the varying grace gifts of God in each person.
God's weighty glory was in the room, as He romanced and danced with us in response to spirit and truth worship from the heart. Being church is so enjoyable!
We're next in Sandford on 23rd October at 3pm, and in Backwell Thursday 13th October at 7:30pm.